Our Philosophy
Glen Innes Preschool Association Inc. is a not-for-profit, community based organisation, providing quality early childhood education for 3-5 year olds. We are proud to have been serving the people of Glen Innes and surrounds since 1962.
Our Philosophy
‘I see you, I support you, for all that you are and all that you are yet to become’.
Glen Innes Preschool advocates for building strong, respectful and kind relationships with all stakeholders to promote positive outcomes for the children, families, staff and community.
In relation to children, we believe that every child has the RIGHT to a quality early childhood experience, which is the foundation for lifelong learning. We advocate for an environment where children’s voices are heard by all, and children’s wellbeing and overall development is our focus. We understand the importance of children developing strong attachments first with family and then a wider community context.
We advocate for nurturing and supporting all children’s feelings of safety, belonging, and developing emotional literacy in our centre.
We believe that early childhood is a unique time in which we honour children’s celebration of learning to be part of a bigger community.
We are guided by the Early Childhood Code of Ethics, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, The Child Safe Standards, The Early Years Learning Framework, the National Quality Framework and Standards and research.
Glen Innes Preschool acknowledges the land of the Ngoorabul people on which we learn and play each day.
We pay our respects to elders past and present and to the young leaders of tomorrow.